Tuesday, 25 May 2010


I've always assumed that stamina is a measurement for the amount of time a player lasts on the pitch before their condition drops to an unacceptable level.

Could this be totally wrong?

The thing about stamina that I don't understand is that I've found it quite important for all positions on the pitch. And I struggle to make sense of this using the above explanation for stamina.

Could it be that stamina is actually an indicator for how long time a player will last for each individual run?

That would explain a lot to me. Pace 20, stamina 5. The player starts off quick, but after 20 meters he is just drop dead exhausted and can't finish his run towards the goal...

Just a thought, could very well fit into the crazy ramblings category.. :)


  1. Actually this is exactly one of the impact of Stamina, but along with Natural Fitness too.

    "Whereas Acceleration reflects how quickly a player can attain their top speed, pace is that top speed and together with Stamina and Natural Fitness, is how long they are able to maintain that pace in both short bursts and over the course of a match."

    Straight from the manual : http://manual.fmlive.co.uk/?q=fr/node/67

    Now maybe the Stamina is more important than NF (which should be logical) which can explain your findings.

    As a last comment, it may be one of the reason that teams of older players (having usually higher stamina as an effect of this skill not being tied by age) are usually performing better than teams of younger players.

    Makes a note to train physical and stamina to 5* once the Youth coaching is finished :)

  2. Ah. Brilliant!

    Truth be told, I haven't looked into Natural Fitness too much. There is a 32 column limitation in FML views, so for the most of times I've excluded this attribute.

    I did not find it very significant the few times I included it though. But it could be worth a re-visit given this new information!

    Physicals and stamina sounds like a good idea to train.. ;)

  3. Great point, Ill keep a closer eye on stam for my potential signings!
